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OK, Maybe a Little Tense, But I’ll Take It: Braves 8, Dodgers 7, Lead NLCS 2-0

Ho hum. Another postseason game, another Braves postseason victory. Up two-zip in the NLCS, and they have won all 7 of their postseason games.

But the Fox announcers after the game were talking about how the Dodgers have the momentum in this series. That’s one point of view; I’d prefer to think the team that is up 2-0 is in a better position. A-Rod even said that the 7th to 9th innings tonight could be considered the first three innings of tomorrow’s game. Thankfully, those seven runs won’t count in tomorrow’s game. I know there have been a lot of strange new rules in this 2020 season, but as far as I know each game starts with a score of 0-0.